Quality manager: how mature is your quality system?
Your quality system has been around since the 1990s. First as paper manuals for all department managers, later as digital PDF documents on the central disk. As a quality manager you must always inspire the organization to keep all quality documentation up to date. Much is in your hands and the organization only starts 'running' one week before the external audit.
Does it ring a bell? Take a look at the next steps in making your management system mature.
Quality system - the maturity stages
At a high level, the following maturity stages can be distinguished in a quality system:
- Ad hoc
Understanding of quality management is limited. Process quality control is fragmented and problems are widely ignored. There is a lot of ignorance about quality and there is a belief that everything is good. There are no formal responsibilities and no accountability is given. Documentation of processes and methods is limited and often outdated. Communication by email and access to quality data and documentation is difficult.
- Reactive
In addition to the quality manager, only a limited number of people are involved in quality management. Quality data is collected in a limited way, usually in separate spreadsheets. Users wait for problems to arise and then respond. Important quality problems are recorded, but insufficiently analyzed to prevent recurrence. There is limited integration.
- Managed
Quality management is important throughout the organization, not just for the quality manager. Audits and checks are carried out regularly. KPIs have been defined and are being managed accordingly. Ownership and responsibilities have been established.
- Proactive
Quality data is available and accessible throughout the organization. Working methods are up-to-date and described in a practical way-of-working and are also accessible throughout the organization. Problems are recognized and are being analyzed. Actions are identified and executed to prevent recurrence.
- Integrated and optimizedQuality management has management attention and is a value within the organization. Full process integration supports proactive, risk-based quality decisions. Quality data is mutually correlated, if necessary with artificial intelligence. Collaboration is the key to success to drive positive business and customer outcomes.
Quality manager: already familiar with this?
On the IT side, developments are even faster than in the worlf of certification: mobile working, social quality systems, straight from the cloud. Quite different from the collection of process descriptions, procedures, instructions and forms. Printed and bundled in the manual in the cupboard of each department manager…. A digital (quality) management system can do so much more, apart from the various 'ISO standards'.
An overview of 'standard' functionalities of a mature management system:
Navigation / search |
- Index of all documents
- Overviews per function, process, standard item, ...
- My documents, which I have something to do with
- Last viewed
- Trending documents within the organization
- Recently searched within the organization
- "Full text search"
Workflow management |
- Workflow processes for review, authorization, change
- Self-defined workflow if necessary
- Read confirmation if registration is important (e.g. safety instructions)
- Quality calendar to structure activities
Integration |
- Combining 'say what you do' and 'do what you say'
- Documentation and registration in one
- One platform as access, but linked to other environments
- Access from different devices: desktop, tablet, mobile
Expandable |
- Forms you can define yourself
- Multiple applications within the same platform
- For every work area, activity and own work environment
Monitoring |
- Views per document, per type, per period
- Not found, but what was searched for
- Never used documents
- Knowing what is being looked at
- Register weaknesses and monitor them specifically
Chain / mobile |
- For customers who have to 'supervise'
- For subcontractors who have to read instructions (mandatory)
- Use corporate documents together
- At the project location, on your phone
- At the client's bedside, on your tablet
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